- Whiny type, maybe
- Whiner who's not a winner
- Whiner who wants to be a winner
- Ungracious one
- Rage quitter, maybe
- Postgame finger-pointer
- One who's not at all graceful
- One who's no fun
- One often upset during competitions
- One griping about being knocked off
- Crybaby of a sort
- Court crybaby
- "You got lucky" mutterer
- Spoilsport of a sort
- Bad sport
- One who refuses to shake hands, maybe
- One might refuse to shake hands
- *One who gets beaten badly?
- Excuse maker, maybe
- One who storms off, maybe
- Sour grapes type
- One moaning and groaning after a defeat
- Whiner, of a sort
- One who gets upset twice?
- He's irritated when mated
- Poor sport