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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Sorb apple

Sorb \Sorb\, n.[L. sorbus the tree, sorbum the fruit; cf. F. sorbe. See Service tree.] (Bot.)

  1. The wild service tree ( Pyrus torminalis) of Europe; also, the rowan tree.

  2. The fruit of these trees.

    Sorb apple, the fruit of the sorb, or wild service tree.

    Sorb tree, the wild service tree.

sorb apple

n. 1 A European fruit tree, ''Sorbus domestica'', also called the service tree 2 The fruit of this tree, also called the sorb

sorb apple
  1. n. medium-sized European tree resembling the rowan but bearing edible fruit [syn: service tree, sorb apple tree, Sorbus domestica]

  2. acid gritty-textured fruit [syn: sorb]

Sorb apple

Sorb apple may refer to several trees, or their fruits, in the genus Sorbus:

  • Sorbus domestica, the true service tree
  • Sorbus aucuparia, the rowan
  • Sorbus torminalis, the wild service tree

Usage examples of "sorb apple".

And from this sand grew plants and bushes in unimaginable abundance: flowering cactus with bright rose-coloured flowers, fleshy green plants like warus, but with big yellow flowers, sorb apple, Rose of Jericho, bright green euphorbias and dozens of others that Niall had never seen or imagined.