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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific, if you are not on the receiving end.
▪ At the start, everyone was respectful towards him, listening carefully to his soporific explanations.
▪ Booze was soporific, the brain was programmed to zero, it curled up and slept.
▪ Cantor had underestimated the soporific effect of the six-course dinner, the two wines and the glass of port.
▪ In summer, that gushing sound would be refreshingly cool and delightfully soporific.
▪ Kyphi was always burnt after sunset for its effects were soporific and intoxicating.
▪ With his shaved head and soporific disposition, Weller comes across as a kind of Kung Futon.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Soporific \Sop`o*rif"ic\ (?; 277), a. [L. sopor a heavy sleep (akin to somnus sleep) + facere to make. See Somnolent, Fact.] Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep; soporiferous; as, the soporific virtues of opium.

Syn: Somniferous; narcotic; opiate; anodyne.


Soporific \Sop`o*rif"ic\, n. A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"tending to produce sleep," 1680s, from French soporifique (17c.), formed in French from Latin sopor (genitive soporis) "deep sleep" (see sopor). As a noun from 1722. Earlier as an adjective was soporiferous (1580s as "characterized by excessive sleep," c.1600 as "soporific").


a. 1 Tending to induce sleep. 2 (lb en figuratively) boring, dull n. 1 Something induce sleep, especially a drug. 2 (context figuratively English) Something boring or dull.

  1. adj. sleep inducing [syn: soporiferous, somniferous, somnific, hypnogogic, hypnagogic]

  2. inducing mental lethargy; "a narcotic speech" [syn: narcotic, soporiferous]

  3. n. a drug that induces sleep [syn: hypnotic]

Usage examples of "soporific".

Trina has told me of the unexpected chemical reaction that continued to produce a soporific in my bloodstream.

Floyt looked back to Alacrity wanting to clarify matters then and there, but the breakabout was fast asleep in his chair, Subutai and Seism having cut in its soporific field.

Brutus was put into his bed and briskly dosed with a soporific herbal potion, Servilia put on a cloak and went to visit Fabricius the pearl merchant in the Porticus Margaritaria.

After a semisenseless and wandering Brutus was put into his bed and briskly dosed with a soporific herbal potion, Servilia put on a cloak and went to visit Fabricius the pearl merchant in the Porticus Margaritaria.

Mixolydian Etude failed to have the same soporific effect it had possessed in his boyhood.

But instead Celestine just spoke with the flat, soporific tones of one who could not quite believe she had made such an error.

His voice was malted milk, pleasant and soporific, an Eastern drawl, but determined to mingle certitude and defeat, as if the first could lead nowhere but to the second.

At st each rumor had been taken as gospel, creating its panic, but constant crises finally exert a soporific ïect, as though the mind and body, unable to absorb ny further terror, retreat into a protective shell of apa-Now the rumor mills had ground to a complete Jt, newspaper presses had stopped printing and radio stations had stopped broadcasting.

Like the scientist who, in analyzing the various clotting agents for blood treatments, found that oxalic acid and oxalic acid alone was, the active factor, Kidder isolated the accelerators and decelerators, the stimulants and soporifics, in every substance that ever undermined a man’s morality and/or caused a “noble experiment.

He’d already done the inventory: antibiotics, antivirals, immune-system boosters, sterilized bandages, acauterizing laser scalpel, surgical scissors, and a selection of drugs including decongestants, analgesics, and soporifics.

The drony voice close beside her acted as a soporific upon her nerves.

During the first six or seven months, we gave her an entire pharmacy of sedatives, tranquilizers, soporifics, stimulants, neural inhibitors, beta blockers, SSRIs, antiseizure drugs-enough medication to comatize a horse.

Death's opening chat-up line in His great seduction, before He drugged you with soporific comforts, distracted you with minor luxuries and ensnared you with long-term payment plans.

ACTS was designed to squeeze all of the functions of Camp Mackenzie, Recon School, and Raider School, plus the Cadre's own highly specialized requirements, into a three-month endurance contest guaranteed to make all of those other training experiences positively soporific by comparison.

The soporific homilies of its founder and spiritual leader, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, can be seen on television in America.