The Collaborative International Dictionary
Soothly \Sooth"ly\, adv.
In truth; truly; really; verily. [Obs.] ``Soothly for to
adv. (context archaic English) truly, verily
Usage examples of "soothly".
That when that one was dead, soothly to sayn, His fellow went and sought him down in hell: But of that story list me not to write.
And, indeed, from all thou has told me, I do soothly think that he and Sir James mean to befriend thee and hold thee privily in kind regard.
Mayhap thou mayst need a true friend in this place ere thou livest long with us, for some of us esquires be soothly rough, and knocks are more plenty here than broad pennies, so that one new come is like to have a hard time gaining a footing.
Methinks he will be better serving so than in the household, for he appeareth a soothly rough cub for a page.
And them disposeth, through his ordinance, In their merites soothly for to be, As they should come by predestiny.
So well they lov'd, as olde bookes sayn, That when that one was dead, soothly to sayn, His fellow went and sought him down in hell: But of that story list me not to write.
And soothly sure she was full fayre of face,And perfectly well shapt in euery lim,Which she did more augment with modest grace,And comely carriage of her count'nance trim,That all the rest like lesser lamps did dim:Who her admiring as some heauenly wight,Did for their soueraine goddesse her esteeme,And caroling her name both day and night,The fayrest Pastorella her by name did hight.
Remember you that Jesus Sirach saith, 'A man that is joyous and glad in heart, it him conserveth flourishing in his age: but soothly a sorrowful heart maketh his bones dry.
Ne ther was holden no disconfitynge But as a justes or a tourneiynge, For soothly ther was no disconfiture- For fallyng nys nat but an aventure- Ne to be lad by force unto the stake Unyolden, and with twenty knyghtes take, O persone allone, withouten mo, And haryed forth by arme, foot, and too, And eke his steede dryven forth with staves, With footmen, bothe yemen and eek knaves, It nas aretted hym no vileynye, Ther may no man clepen it cowardye.
Have heer my trouthe, as thou art his espye, Telle where he is, or thou shalt it abye, By God and by the hooly sacrament, For soothly thou art oon of his assent To sleen us yonge folk, thou false theef?