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adv. (obsolete spelling of soon English)

Usage examples of "soone".

Then he desired to see her, whereupon the Gentlewoman was brought forth fast bound, whom as soone as he beheld, he turned himselfe wringing his nose, and blamed them saying : I am not so much a beast, or so rash a fellow to drive you quite from your purpose, but my conscience will not suffer me to conceale any thing that toucheth your profit, since I am as carefull for you, howbeit if my counsell doe displease you, you may at your liberty proceed in your enterprise.

That when a man casteth his eyes on the vain and soone fading beauty of the world, consenting thereto in his minde, hee seemeth to bee turned into a brute beast, and so to be slain by the inordinate desire of his owne affects.

But behold my good mother, now my unhappy fortune is renewed and encreased : For I dreamed in my sleepe, that I was pulled out of our house, out of our chamber, and out of my bed, and that I removed about in solitary and unknowne places, calling upon the name of my unfortunate husband, and how that he, as soone as he perceived that he was taken away, even smelling with perfumes and crowned with garlands, did trace me by the steppes, desiring the aid of the people to assist him, in that his wife was violently stollen away.

For as soone as she espieth any comely yong man, shee is forthwith stricken with his love, and presently setteth her whole minde and affection on him.

These words chafed him more then the burning oile, or flaming brimstone, or scourge of whipps, saying : that they should be hanged and their law too, before he would be subject unto any person : and therewithall he called out his bandogges and great masties, which accustomed to eate the carrion and carkases of dead beasts in the fields, and to set upon such as passed by the way: then he commanded they should be put upon all the assistance to teare them in peeces : who as soone as they heard the hisse of their master, ran fiercely upon them invading them on every side, insomuch that the more they flied to escape away, the more cruell and terrible were the dogges.

As soone as he was entred in he said, God speed yee souldiers of Mars and my faithfull companions, I pray you make me one of your band, and I will ensure you, that you shall have a man of singular courage and lively audacity : for I had rather receive stripes upon my backe, then money or gold in my hands.

Soone as she heard the name of Artegall,Her hart did leape, and all her hart-strings tremble,For sudden ioy, and secret feare withall,And all her vitall powres with motion nimble,To succour it, themselues gan there assemble,That by the swift recourse of flushing bloodRight plaine appeard, though she it would dissemble,And fayned still her former angry mood,Thinking to hide the depth by troubling of the flood.

Soone as she Venus saw behind her backe,She was asham'd to be so loose surprized,And woxe halfe wroth against her damzels slacke,That had not her thereof before auized,But suffred her so carelesly disguizedBe ouertaken.

Til at the laste aslaked was his mood, For pitee renneth soone in gentil herte.

For sometimes she would winke gently, sometimes threaten and looke aspishly, and sometimes dance onely with her eyes : As soone as she was come before the Judge, she made a signe and token to give him the most fairest spouse of all the world, if he would prefer her above the residue of the goddesses.

For all so soone, as Guyon thence was gonVpon his voyage with his trustie guide,That wicked band of villeins fresh begonThat castle to assaile on euery side,And lay strong siege about it far and wide.

Whereunto Diophanes this notable Assyrian (not yet come unto his minde, but halfe amased) soone answered and sayd, I would to god that all our enemies and evil willers might fall into the like dangerous peregrination and trouble.

And after this Tiburce gat swich grace That every day he saugh in tyme and space The aungel of God, and every maner boone That he God axed, it was sped ful soone.

Smyt nat to soone, er that ye witen why, And beeth avysed wel and sobrely, Er ye doon any execucioun Upon youre ire for suspecioun.

O Why doe wretched men so much desire,To draw their dayes vnto the vtmost date,And doe not rather wish them soone expire,Knowing the miserie of their estate,And thousand perills which them still awate,Tossing them like a boate amid the mayne,That euery houre they knocke at deathes gate?