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sonic barrier

n. sound barrier

sonic barrier

n. the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of sound [syn: sound barrier]

Usage examples of "sonic barrier".

There was no pain such as the sonic barrier had spun around those who strove to pass it.

In the shimmer of the heat waves there was a thin line of poles runningwith a gap here and thereinto the distance, just as the poles had marked the sonic barrier before the pens.

And what happens if the sonic barrier isn't cut before we reach it?

The double fence which was supposed to channel the whales safely through the rich sea farm sent out of its pulses at five-second intervals, and though the nearest portion of the fence was out of action the more distant parts of the sonic barrier could be clearly heard.

Two of the Masters hurried forward and thrust their hands through the sonic barrier within, offering aid to their monarch.

After appreciating what it could do in a controlled run, he knew that it could crack the sonic barrier when snapped with force, just as a whip could.

Next time it was up to thirteen hundred, and he realized they had passed through the sonic barrier without even a shudder.

EAT DRINK PLAY SLEEP they blazed, screaming in silence for an instant, until the sonic barrier went down and the shout was no longer silent.