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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Soliloquy \So*lil"o*quy\, n.; pl. Soliloquies. [L. soliloquium; solus alone + loqui to speak. See Sole ly, and Loquacious.]

  1. The act of talking to one's self; a discourse made by one in solitude to one's self; monologue.

    Lovers are always allowed the comfort of soliloquy.

  2. A written composition, reciting what it is supposed a person says to himself.

    The whole poem is a soliloquy.


n. (plural of soliloquy English)

Usage examples of "soliloquies".

There would be dialogue, of course, but mostly in the form of soliloquies, and a lot of the action would be carried out in mime -- a word which the genius liked to pronounce "meem", to give it the flavour he thought it needed.

After having had Mitkey to talk to, soliloquies were somehow empty and inadequate.