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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Solidness \Sol"id*ness\, n.

  1. State or quality of being solid; firmness; compactness; solidity, as of material bodies.

  2. Soundness; strength; truth; validity, as of arguments, reasons, principles, and the like.


n. The state or quality of being solid.

  1. n. the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape [syn: solid]

  2. the consistency of a solid [syn: solidity] [ant: porosity]

Usage examples of "solidness".

Yet Mort, standing there looking rather embarrassed and casually sipping a liquid you could clean spoons with, seemed to emit a particularly potent sort of solidness, an extra dimension of realness.

The big man slammed shut the rear door and Hamzah felt, rather than heard, the solidness of bombproof steel and a thud as heavy locks slid into place.

His gaze lifted to the two-story house and the fanlike gushes of light that spilled from its windows, giving its solidness a look of warmth and welcome.

Then I decide to stop, and I stop, and I'm back in normal time and solidness.