n. the geometry of 3-dimensional space
In mathematics, solid geometry is the traditional name for the geometry of three-dimensional Euclidean space.
Stereometry deals with the measurements of volumes of various solid figures or ''' Polyhedrons ''' ( three-dimensional figures) including pyramids, cylinders, cones, truncated cones, spheres, and prisms.
The Pythagoreans dealt with the regular solids, but the pyramid, prism, cone and cylinder were not studied until the Platonists. Eudoxus established their measurement, proving the pyramid and cone to have one-third the volume of a prism and cylinder on the same base and of the same height, and was probably the discoverer of a proof that the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of its radius.
Solid Geometry is a 2002 short TV film directed by Denis Lawson, starring Ewan McGregor and Ruth Millar. It is based on a short story by Ian McEwan published in collection First Love, Last Rites.
Usage examples of "solid geometry".
These representations would quickly have gone from solid geometry through non-Euclidean geometry to bewilderment, had not a computer simultaneously developed the appropriate equations.
In the next five minutes, he got a symphony orchestra playing Walton's Violin Concerto, a discussion on the sad state of the legitimate theater, a western, a demonstration of a new headache cure, a panel game in some Oriental language, a psychodrama, three news commentaries, a football game, a lecture on solid geometry (in Russian), and several tuning signals and data transmissions.
I went ahead on my own with advanced algebra and solid geometry and trigonometry and might have stopped so far as College Boards were concerned-but math is worse than peanuts.
The solid geometry of the functioning organisms had been compressed into a mixture of two-dimensional proximity and chemical markers, but the process wasn't always reversible, nor was the coding entirely unambiguous.
Correspondence courses in English, French and Latin, shorthand in English, German and Dutch, trigonometry, solid geometry, mechanics, phys- ics, chemistry, algebra, geometry, English literature, French literature, German literature, Dutch literature, bookkeeping, geography, modern history, biology, economics.
Possibly if Barlennan had ever been exposed to solid geometry he would not have made the decision he did.
A right parallelepiped, I think they would call it in solid geometry.
As for the object that the homely young ladies neglected and the pretty ones rendered with carnal verism, they, with their masculine intellects, saw it as two cubes of like size, surmounted by an elongated rectangular block: Priapus in terms of solid geometry.