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adv. In a soggy manner.

Usage examples of "soggily".

It ran soggily along the corridor on legs which were too rubbery and which bent in the wrong places, and the scaly, dun-coloured tegument it had worn in the AUGL tank was twitching and writhing and smoothing out into the pink and white of flesh and medical tunic.

Their thoraces burst soggily as the beam vaporized soft parts within the chitin shell.

In that airlessly expanding quiet, the slightest touch of fever in the imagination would have made audible the thin whisper of eardrums waving soggily to and fro, like wet palm fronds in a breeze, as they tried dazedly to recapture the unbelievable vibrations that had numbed them.

Wrong arm the broken elbow joint bent soggily inside the mob suit.

They continued to crowd the avenues and boulevards, slapping each other on the back, standing each other drinks, parading in groups that roared the "Partant pour la Syrie" anthem and carried tri-colored flags, and strove to wave them, but managed only to flap them soggily.

The dark green spruce and yellow birch stood around in their dripping thousands and the paper debris from the day before lay soggily scattered across the wet tarmac.