Soggadu is a 2005 Tollywood film produced by D. Suresh on Suresh Productions banner. Directed by Ravi Babu, it stars Tarun and Arti Agarwal in lead roles. With special appearances by Victory Venkatesh, Shriya Saran, Srikanth and Sumanth the film had a huge box-office opening, the biggest for any Tarun starrer. Soggadu won good critical appreciation and technical acclaim for the director Ravi Babu. This film was remade into Bengali as Mon Je Kore Uru Uru starring Koel Mallick and Hiran Chatterjee. This film was remade into Hindi as Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani starring Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif as lead roles. This film was also a huge blockbuster in Bollywood.
- Soggadu (2005 film) is a 2005 Tollywood film directed by Ravi Babu.
- Soggadu (1975 film) is a 1975 Tollywood film directed by Kovelamudi Bapayya.
Soggadu ( Telugu: సోగ్గాడు) is a 1976 blockbuster Telugu drama film directed by K. Bapaiah. It was remade as Dildaar in Hindi in 1977, starring Jeetendra and Rekha.