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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Amiss cursed himself for a soft-hearted fool.
▪ He was so soft-hearted, he hated anyone to cry.
▪ I believe he is soft-hearted underneath.
▪ She might have been soft-hearted and vulnerable once, where he was concerned, but she was a lot older and wiser now.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Soft-hearted \Soft"-heart`ed\, a. Having softness or tenderness of heart; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection; gentle; meek. -- Soft"-heart`ed*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also softhearted, 1590s, from soft (adj.) "tender" + hearted. Related: Soft-heartedly; soft-heartedness.


a. (alternative spelling of softhearted English)

Usage examples of "soft-hearted".

The tusky but soft-hearted little brute kept nodding his round, sparsely covered head while he listened, exuding a smell of lavender-water, cigars, and gutta-percha.

Mrs Pasquith was thereupon closeted with a brawny but soft-hearted policewoman called Sadie Bellweather.

A soft-hearted slave-owner - Social gaiety in the midst of war talk - Beauregard a hero and a demigod - The first shot of the war - Anderson refuses to capitulate - The bombardment of Fort Sumter as seen from the housetops - War steamers arrive in Charleston harbor - "Bull Run" Russell - Demeanor of the negroes .

Stupid, soft-hearted bastard, watering down the lifeblood of our culture with his foolish laws.