n. (soft spot English)
Usage examples of "soft spots".
They are the seekers of soft spots, weaknesses, the terrorists that worm through defenses, the harbingers of what is to follow.
No splintered ends protruding through the skin, no sinister depressions or soft spots.
A collection of vortices, soft spots and other miseries that penetrate into the insplit.
Beed had even been allowed to try her own little spurs up and down the roots, being shown the water-bellies and how to find soft spots, l earning how to judge the direction of side roots.
As he went down, a dozen sharp-tipped digits swarmed up his legs and chest, looking for soft spots.
Washed me up turnips and parsnips, cutting out the soft spots, of which there are plenty, for these are the end of our winter store and some of them mostly mush by now.
He avoided Eveshka's eyes and tried to find fault with her gentle voice and her laughter, which went straight for the soft spots in a man.
Primarily the software was looking for soft spots in the ice&mdash.
Regular meals and hauling the wagon out of soft spots in the road through the fens had put a lot of muscle on him, and the sun had tanned him as dark as any Gypsy.