Søndagsavisen is a free Danish countrywide weekend newspaper. It has a circulation of 1,2 million and approximately 1,3 million readers each weekend. That makes it the most read newspaper in Denmark.
Its primary focus is weighted towards people between 25 and 50 years old, primarily families with children. It is distributed in 23 different regional editions. The editorial content is oriented towards a national audience and is the same in all regions - only the adverts differ.
Søndagsavisen was in 2012 fined, paying the largest sum in Denmark ever, DKK 750.000 for faulty journalism. The court found that Søndagsavisen had wringfully published a series of articles claiming that Ecobaby, a producer of baby dummies, were using phthalates in their production. The paper later withdrew the articles, but Ecobaby choose to continue the case.