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sodium lamps

n. (sodium lamp English)

Usage examples of "sodium lamps".

There were sodium lamps along the ramp and at the base of it, and he was tempted to stop there at the bottom, in the yellow glare, but he gritted his teeth and turned onto the county road, out of the light.

So here was their key man in Warsaw, wiping the wet soot off an envelope before holding it out to me, his eyes wide with worry behind the glasses, his face deathly under the sodium lamps.

All were on display in astounding detail on the walls of the shop, which was lit with sodium lamps, giving it the appearance of a highway or an industrial park.

Under sodium lamps, I examined the faces of these ethnic Greek Albanians.

The sky was almost black and the sodium lamps on the station were orbs of orange-colored light made fuzzy by the condensation on the car's windows.

The lights of central Paris faded, and soon they were in a gloomy industrial quarter bathed in yellow sodium lamps.

The snow fell more thickly now, and the featureless sky was lit with a salmon glow of sodium lamps.

One by one, separated by no more than a few seconds, the yellow and red rays of the high-pressure sodium lamps faded and died, to wait through the daylight hours until fifteen minutes before sunset, when their light-sensitive controllers would boost them to life again.

He stopped for a moment by the window, but the light of the sodium lamps which turned your lips blue and spread a ghostly light everywhere, depressed him.

They took another elevator down and out through a maze of corridors into the yard, where an unmarked police car sat, idling, gleaming beneath a dozen sodium lamps.

Night was turned into glaring, shadowless day by flaring arc-sodium lamps that threw a strange orange light.