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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sodic \So"dic\, a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to sodium; containing sodium.


a. of, relating to, or containing sodium

Usage examples of "sodic".

If the lead is present as sulphate in sodic acetate solution, it is well to render it distinctly alkaline with ammonia.

When the lead in the assay has been separated as sulphate and dissolved in sodic acetate, less chromate is apparently required, and in this case it will be necessary to precipitate the lead in the standard with an equivalent of sodic sulphate and redissolve in sodic acetate just as in the assay.

After precipitating as ammonic-magnesic phosphate with sodium phosphate, and well washing with ammonia, it is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, neutralised with ammonia, and sodic acetate and acetic acid are added in the usual quantity.

Zinc is detected by dissolving the substance in hydrochloric or nitric acid, boiling, and adding sodic hydrate in excess, filtering, and adding ammonic sulphide to the filtrate.

The nickel is separated from the solution by boiling with sodic hydrate, filtering, and dissolving the precipitate in nitric acid.