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soda can

n. a can for holding soft drinks

Usage examples of "soda can".

The soda can fell clattering to the road's rocky shoulder and iHeck stooped painfully and pitched the empty under the seat.

He drained his soda can, crushed it in his palm, and set it gently on the porch step.

Erica sets her soda can down, eases herself off her stool, and walks toward the dwarf with her hands on her hips, pondering what Kai has just told them.

The radio DJ, a young man with a long beard and hair reaching down over his forehead and shoulders, took a gulp from a soda can.

She went to the railing and rested her arms against it, dangling the soda can between her fingertips as she gazed out at the horizon.

Missing a soda can at fifteen feet did not speak well of his marksmanship.