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The Collaborative International Dictionary

n. (cx historical English) Any of the autonomous tribes and city states of the Italian Peninsula in permanent military alliance with the Roman Republic until the Social War of 91–88 BC.


Socius may refer to:

  • Socii, a tribe
  • a Latin noun meaning "comrade, friend, ally" (adjectival form: socialis) and used to describe a bond or interaction between parties that are friendly, or at least civil; it has given rise to the word " society"
  • Socius (insect anatomy), a part of the Lepidoptera genitalia

Usage examples of "socius".

Prior of the Dominican house at Cologne, and on 8 February, 1479, he was present, as the socius of Gerhard von Elten, at the trial of John von Ruchratt of Wesel, who was found guilty of propagating the most subversive doctrines, and was sentenced to seclusion in the Augustinian monastery at Mainz, where he died in 1481.

Vestibus, nec poterat cuiguam respondere, Tandem se de manibus eximens suorum Magnatorum socius et peregrinorum, Admixtus tandem, caetui cruce signatorum Non visurus amplius terram.

Since knowledge and existence in the biopolitical world always consist in a production of value, this lack of being appears as a wound, a death wish of the socius, a stripping away of being from the world.

Inter nepotes etiam Ailello fuit, et baptizavit Maineum sanctum quem ordinavit Episcopus Bronus filius Iccni qui est i Caisel-Irra, servus Dei socius Patricii.