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social responsibilities

n. (plural of social responsibility English)

Usage examples of "social responsibilities".

He went into her classroom now, sat down in the last row, watched her as she lectured to her students on the social responsibilities of mass communication.

Unless it proves its social value and assumes its social responsibilities, the people won't stand for it.

Repeatedly and patiently, the robot had tried to tutor him in manners, social responsibilities, and other acceptable behavior patterns.

He had sufficiently met his social responsibilities, he decided, and fell silent.

Tansy especially, he was sure, had at first found everything nerveracking: the keen-honed faculty rivalries, the lip-service to all species of respectability, the bland requirement (which would have sent a simple mechanic into spasms) that faculty wives work for the college out of pure loyalty, the elaborate social responsibilities, and the endless chaperoning of resentfully fawning students (for Hempnell was one of those colleges which offer anxious parents an alternative to the unshepherded freedom of what Norman recalled a local politician having described as “.

Among the characteristics of a psychopathic personality are extreme self-centeredness and a disregard for moral and social responsibilities.

I can not prove this, but it is my suspicion that those writers who are callous about social responsibilities, so do not answer letters, also tend to be callous about their business commitments, so suffer Block.

He contended that much less time should be spent on teaching young physicians their social responsibilities and more on actually working with sick patients.

He had always been too busy, too engaged upon the immediate problems of his task, to consider his social responsibilities.

But, they say that as individuals we neglected to define and fulfill our social responsibilities, i.

He Ld always been too busy, too engaged upon the immediate problems of his task, to consider his social responsibilities.

He wanted to change the world, and he was very passionate about social responsibilities.