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sobering up

vb. (present participle of sober up English)

Usage examples of "sobering up".

You're very much pregnant, Suzy, which is why you're sobering up fast and getting out of here.

Hunter quickly surveyed the other clientele - two hookers drinking tea at the far end of the counter, three sailors sobering up at the far table, plus a couple of militiamen nearby -and decided everyone was generally harmless.

On B Day minus two all the bars closed so that the sobering up process of the troops could begin.

Thirdly, their liquor was rapidly running out, and they were all sobering up and realizing that agreeing to this journey across the twisted glandscape of the human psyche had been an incredible mistake of disastrous proportion.

Just as he seemed to be sobering up and coming to terms with his newly spoken oath, in stepped the Old Man's cronies.