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n. A soapmaker.


A soaper is a person who practices soap making. It is the origin of the surnames "Soper", "Soaper", and "Saboni" (Arabic for soap maker). Roads named "Sopers Lane," "Soper Street," and so forth often were centres for soap making.

Historically in England and in the United States a chandler is a person in the soap and/or candle trade.

Craft-scale soap making has a variety of adherents, both those who practice it as a hobby and to keep traditional soap making methods alive, and consumers who prefer traditional handmade products as alternatives to mass-produced industrial offerings and as a contribution to a more sustainable means of living.

A "soaper" is also slang for Quaaludes.

Usage examples of "soaper".

There was a soaper on, and two women were talking in slow, apocalyptic tones about a man named Hank.

One of them is probably used to transmit that half-wit soaper around the world.

A good plan of working in connection with such a series of machines is to have four as above, two washing machines and two soaping machines, the soap liquor is run through these in a continuous stream, entering in at the delivery end of the second soaper and passing out at the entering end of the first soaper.