- Unnamed person
- Nobody in particular
- Nameless scoundrel
- All-purpose moniker
- Unidentified one
- Real S.O.B
- Disagreeable person
- Enemy to remain nameless
- Blankety-blank type
- Unspecified figure
- Son of a gun
- Person whose name you forgot
- One who shall not be named
- Old what's-his-name
- Nebulous person
- Name placeholder
- Name better left unsaid, or a literal hint to what the starred answers contain
- Minced epithet
- Epithet of sorts
- Dirty dog, as it were
- Blankety-blank's kin
- No-goodnik
- Stinker
- What's-his-face
- Whoosis
- Scoundrel
- Dirty rat or dirty dog
- One who shall remain nameless
- Skunk
- Rat
- Rascal
- John Doe or Richard Roe
- Joe Doakes
- What's-his-name is a right pain in the behind
- No great shakes going around with this person
- Average as well as, at heart, a vaguely unpleasant person
- Unnamed person disliked one
- Annoying person's kid collecting a medal
- Unspecified person
- Despicable one
- Unpleasant person