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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Snuffle \Snuf"fle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Snuffled; p. pr. & vb. n. Snuffling.] [Freq. of snuff, v.i.; akin to LG. snuffeln, G. schn["u]ffeln, D. snuffeln, Dan. sn["o]vle. Cf. Sniffle.] To speak through the nose; to breathe through the nose when it is obstructed, so as to make a broken sound.

One clad in purple Eats, and recites some lamentable rhyme . . . Snuffling at nose, and croaking in his throat.


n. A breathy noise; a snuffle vb. (present participle of snuffle English)


adj. liable to sniffle [syn: sniffly, snuffly]

Usage examples of "snuffling".

He knew he had stayed awake longer than the others because he remembered hearing their snoring and snuffling and thinking how loud it was.

He felt a tingle pass down his spine when he realized he was hearing a great bear snuffling among the autumn leaves, probably following their scent.

Even the snuffling and pawing of a wandering bear in the blackness just beyond the circle of flickering light would have provided some measure of comfort and reassurance, for, in fact, there were few signs of any life apart from the creaking of timber, the sighing of the canopy far above, scattered spoor in the morning, and the half-ruins of deserted human habitation.

No animal came snuffling at the perimeter of their camp, no wind moved among the trees, no insects called out in the night.

There was a nose, a sleek seal-brown head, then suddenly, with a rush, the calf was born and lay snuffling on the ground.

Ryan heard screams and barking and snuffling, but nothing seemed to enter the catacomb.

Its breathing slowed, and it made small snuffling sounds and regarded the man intently.

The chow trotted from bush to tree to flower bed, perfecting his sniffsquirt-and-cover routine, now and then stopping for more in-depth snuffling and peeing.

Growling and snuffling they approached the door, and then stood whistling.

The poor vermin lay on its side, wounded, and began snuffling and kicking, as if seeking escape.

But he scooped her up with one arm, the other protecting the rooting and snuffling baby piol, and buried his face in her hair, holding her as if from desperate physical need.

As he was sliding back to sleep, he heard a snuffling sound near the door, as if some large creature was moving there, having caught the scent of humans.

Ignored the curious snuffling of soft donkey muzzles until it stopped.

He was seeing older, faraway things, the Fear-Bringersthe eternal enemy with all his many faces of dread, hunger, storm, quake, deadly night, deadlier day, the stalking hunter snuffling after heart-blood.

It went snuffling lightly down the height of him and across the breadth of him, and then it flickered cold across his face, and he thought that some of it went in at his eyes and blew swiftly through the windings of his brain.