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a. snowy; covered with snow


adj. covered with snow; "snow-clad hills"; "snow-covered roads"; "a long snowy winter" [syn: snow-clad, snowy]

Usage examples of "snow-covered".

And to his eyes blackbirds were never, not even in snow-covered gardens, identically black and yellow-billed.

PALACE - NIGHT As troops roll helplessly in the snow-covered purple haze, the butlers load the ministers onto waiting choppers as -- 221 INT.

Hands in the pockets of her wool coat, she watched the odd little vehicle make it up the last of the slope and complete its approach to where she was standing, its apple-green panels standing out sharply against the snow-covered lawns on either side.

We were driving from Chicago to New Orleans in an attempt to make Mardi Gras, which we would miss by a full day, arriving on Ash Wednesday, because in the next five miles we would spin out across the snow-covered highway, escape being piledriven by an oncoming truck by inches, plunge off the side of the road, and bury the Corvette headfirst to its rear wheels in snowbanks fifteen feet deep.

Snow-covered peaks shone far into the distance, brilliant and aloof, as if disdaining the frantic scrabblings of the mortals who flickered their tiny lives away so hysterically beneath their timeless gaze.

The place appeared to be utterly deserted though there was signs of recent footsteps on the snow-covered paths that transected the overgrown lawn of the quadrangle.

White twinkle lights lent a festive sparkle to all the trees, while a pair of unsynchronized spotlights swooped back and forth across the snow-covered peak of the manmade Big Foot Mountain.

The police and fire department rushed to the snow-covered hill and bogged down on the mushy dirt road.

Shined and polished and ready for duty: one-dish-devouring Spartans, nine against Thebes, at Leuthen, in Teutoburg Forest, the nine loyal stalwarts, the nine Swabians, nine brown swans, the last levy, the lost platoon, the rear guard, the advance guard, nine alliterated Burgundian noses: this is the sorrow of the Nibelungs in Eddi Etzel's snow-covered garden.

Berel Jastrow is so tired that as he talks his eyes droop, and he half-dreams, and seems to see Auschwitz's long rows of horse stalls in floodlit snow, the trudgia$ bent Jews in their striped suits, and the big "Canada" warehouses with the loot piled up outside them under snow-covered tarpaulins, and in the distance dark chimneys vomiting flames and black smoke.

As his feet touched the snow-covered earth Ballistar collapsed to the ground, trembling.

They drove home via Sandpit Road, past George Breze's snow-covered empire, with only a curl of smoke coming from the "office.

Huddled miserably in one of the back seats of Francis Raeburn's helicopter, he spent the entire hour and more of the flight northward rehearsing his defenses, while the snow-covered forests of Balmoral rolled away beneath them and the white peaks of the Cairngorms rose ahead.

Declan sat down on the snow-covered window-ledge outside the shop, obscuring the postcard advertisements for lost gerbils, daily women and secondhand carrycots in the window.

She pined away thinking of her snow-covered northern home, until one February morning she awoke and looked from her window to see the white blossoms of the almond tree covering our whole land.