a. (alternative form of snot-nosed English) n. One who is snot-nosed.
Usage examples of "snotnose".
You’re too candy-ass looking to be anything else, and if you was CPD or the Cook County Sheriff’s, I’d’ve bought you off by now, and I’d be fucking your wife and cornholing your snotnose little boy while you was off at work.
As bad as the people here are about tipping, I doubt those snotnosed kids are any better.
The travelstained Warwickshire yokel, snotnosed son held by the hand, gawking in a London street.
And they figure Nick or one of the Irvings for their real boss anyway, not one of these thin, slick snotnoses like they have today.
Her mama had named her Kathy-Mae, and she was just another snotnosed, scabby-kneed, malnourished yard ape destined to grow up hard and ignorant in the Carolina hills.