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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At the far end a rocky promontory extended into deep water - a promising place for snorkelling.
▪ Energetic pursuits include snorkelling and diving, para-gliding and water-skiing.
▪ Guests can also enjoy windsurfing, water-skiing and snorkelling.
▪ Its two miles of almost deserted white sand and coral reefs make for excellent sunbathing and snorkelling.
▪ Outside the office, takes every opportunity to fly off to warm exotic climates for her hobby of snorkelling.
▪ The centre also offers courses on Saturday nights to prepare newcomers to windsurfing, lifesaving and snorkelling.
▪ There is good snorkelling and swimming and the excursion usually includes a barbecue lunch.
▪ Try out your snorkelling in the clear, blue Aegean Sea.

alt. (present participle of snorkel English) vb. (present participle of snorkel English)

Usage examples of "snorkelling".

On Bergoti Street in Argostoli she opened a souvenir emporium that sold reproduction amphorae, worry beads, dolls dressed in the fustanella of the evzones, cassettes of syrtaki music, snorkelling equipment, statuettes of Pan playing his pipes with every evidence of concentration yet endowed with a resplendent and hyperbolical erection, owls of Minerva shaped in limestone, postcards, handmade rugs that were really made by machines in North Africa, porcelain dolphins, gods, goddesses, and caryatids, terracotta tragedians' masks, silver trinkets, bedspreads embellished with meanders, keyrings that humorously mimicked in miniature the motions of copulation .