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n. (plural of snakeskin English)

Usage examples of "snakeskins".

His had a fringe of snakeskins tacked to the roofpoles, at least thirty of them.

An identical mess carpeted the dirt, and Ray’s shelter remained intact, the fringe of rotting snakeskins still hanging from the roofpoles—but that was not what had drawn my attention.

They looked like snakeskins, he thought uneasily: silver serpent hides that were stiff and dry yet also shiny and bright.

They did appear to be snakeskins with scale patterns, but the material was of a light metal.

So far his men had found an amazing assortment of junkold maps, charts, snakeskins, boxes of teeth, disgusting unidentifiable organs pickled in centuries-old alcoholbut not one thing that resembled an actual clue.

Images of autumn leaves and molted snakeskins at the novel's close signal mystical death and rebirth, the theme of the Grail legends.

Parker went over to the foot of the bed, seeing the clothing scattered all around the room like used snakeskins on a hot rock, and rapped the gun barrel against the brass footboard.