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a. Resembling a snail or some aspect of one.

Usage examples of "snaillike".

Again the broad, sweeping gesture, this time taking in the entire hor tilde onless chamber: cages full of snaillike plants, plantlike snails, a cubicle lined with tiny 182 STAR TREK LOG Six colored balls, animals that resembled rocks, plants that resembled buildings, plant-animals like nothing on Earth.

The hairy, barrel chest that rose slightly with each intake of air, bore specks of sweat that rolled downward in snaillike trails and mingled with the sand.

It was burning this mossy junk that grows all over, and also toasting plenty of these snaillike things, and then siphoning them up.

In due timeand not overmuch time, considering the snaillike creep of progress among the Cuban bureaucracy, not to mention the vagaries of sea-borne communication and the exceeding delicacy of treating with such sworn enemies as the European interloping, excommunicant trespassers on lands that Rome had long ago given solely to Spanish-Moorish keepinga guarda costa from Cuba, an armed sloop, had arrived in the basin below El Castillo de San Diego de Boca Osa with a message from the Governor of the Indies noting that neither the Norse, the French, the Irish, nor the Portuguese would any of them admit to knowledge of this dreadful fire-arming and training of the savage indios .

Fortunately the Posleen ships moved at a snaillike pace near the ground and had not gotten significantly closer than in the previous two engagements.

She tried to let Millie do the work, but the slow, almost snaillike pace broke her in the end and she seized the handle.

Though he was conservative by nature, sometimes the snaillike caution of those occupying the highest Church positions irked him intolerably.

Blade had seen the creatures once, seen their giant stalklike bodies, their double-jointed eight-foot arms, their lobster claws, their pairs of two-foot tentacles, the snaillike pulsing suction disks upon which they glided with a stomach-turning sucking noise.

She watched the forest and the distant beach, the shadows of the scrub pines creeping over the sand, the oldest of sundials, marking the snaillike progress of the hours.

Maggie never took her eyes off the snaillike progression that was inching its way up the Avenue as she babbled breathlessly on.

And then in the distance Susan Marley had walked toward her, leaving a snaillike trail of blood in her wake.

In Candar, trading, while not snaillike in progress, was definitely a leisurely pursuit.

The Village was out of the question, too far to reach in a full night of snaillike progress like this.