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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Smutch \Smutch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Smutched; p. pr. & vb. n. Smutching.] To blacken with smoke, soot, or coal. [Written also smooch.]
--B. Jonson.


vb. (en-past of: smutch)

Usage examples of "smutched".

Minalde stepped forward quickly, holding out her hand, heedless of the dust that daubed the hems of her faded peasant skirt and liberally smutched the baby Prince in her arms.

The bright colors of their festival costumes, red and yellow, blue and white and green, were dulled and smutched a bit by the smokes and fires that had plagued the city daily.

The mother for a few moments looked at the snow through their eyes and the earth had not smutched it.

She drew on her pipe and cocked her feet back on their heels so that her smutched soles took the full benefit of the fire.