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a. Resembling smoke; smoky.

Usage examples of "smokelike".

Without hesitation, the nobleman thrust his blade into the heart of the smokelike mass.

The weapon seemed to leap and then hum numbingly in his hands, and Dauneth almost dropped it, but around him the smokelike thing seemed to be shuddering and fading all at once.

The smokelike breath of the beast stole outward along it, revealing the great curve of another barrier, this one a sphere that enclosed the abraxus-and with it, Aunadar Bleth.

A bank of snow alongside was packed into the barrow ditch and from behind the car the white smokelike exhaust tore away in the gusting wind.

Sunlight slanted through the trees, casting shafts of alternating light and shadow through the smokelike mist that permeated the forest.

Oahu, fronds of palms and plants ruffling, cane fields undulating, surf swelling, the clear sky disrupted only by smokelike puffs of clouds over the Koolau mountain range.

He stroked his head with hairy fingers until the smokelike wisps of hair lay flat against his scalp, making the top of his head look even bigger.

And the door swung shut behind her, leaving an impression upon its surface as though she stood there still, dim and smokelike, inhabiting the lodging house like mist, a smile almost of satisfaction upon her face.

In daylight I could not change my form at will nor melt smokelike into the tomb and out again.

Fifty feet away, maybe seventy, the tenuous, smokelike tail that tethered the cloud creature to the earth was connected to a sleeping form.

The smokelike breath of the beast stole outward along it, revealing the great curve of another barrier, this one a sphere that enclosed the abraxusand with it, Aunadar Bleth.

Sim watched, his own mother seemed to shift and take a tortured, smokelike form.

It took a certain ironic amusement in sliding its smokelike form directly through the dangling crystals without disturbing them in the slightest.

Savage, for answer, pointed at the vague smokelike trail they were following.

The molding disappears in a smokelike puff of wood particles, and then a large part of the wall itself collapses, leaving a gaping hole, through which can be seen, in the gloom, an exposed wire that periodically emits a shower of sparks, illuminating a dripping pipe covered with green slime.