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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a slick, smarmy public relations officer
▪ He's been criticized for his smarmy behavior when interviewing celebrities.
▪ He fooled us with his soft smarmy ways.
▪ Andy Williams, of course, was always smug and smarmy.
▪ Miss Green didn't take her in, did she, with her soft, smarmy ways?
▪ They warned that politicians, once infused with a sense of providential mission, could morph into smarmy tyrants.
▪ This is not just a smarmy pep talk but an unflinching discussion of real angst and a real adjustment process.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"smooth and sleek" (1909); "ingratiating, unctuous," 1924, from smarm + -y (2). Related: Smarmily; smarminess.


a. Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating.

  1. adj. unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; "buttery praise"; "gave him a fulsome introduction"; "an oily sycophantic press agent"; "oleaginous hypocrisy"; "smarmy self-importance"; "the unctuous Uriah Heep" [syn: buttery, fulsome, oily, oleaginous, unctuous]

  2. [also: smarmiest, smarmier]


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Usage examples of "smarmy".

Mordred kept the King constantly upset, though he was outwardly polite to everyone else, especially smarmy to my lady and Lancelot.

Patth said, adding a bit more amusement into the smarmy part of his vocal mix.

Another Patth voice, just as smarmy as the first, but carrying with it the unmistakable weight of authority.

Sadly, there was always a significant number of expeditions that encountered nothing more exciting than fetid jungles, smarmy natives, and dull animals that were so patently stupid that they would wander directly in front of you and politely wait while you dug the old .

Seated at the extremely long table stacked with food, was a short dumpy woman in a plain black dress and a gold crown, and a tall smarmy man in a spotlessly clean military uniform.

What with his smarmy ways and that smile of his, and always playing the big daddy-boy.

Brian fixed the man with a stare that wiped the smarmy smile from his face.

And like the dental techs in her experience, Dickhead exhibited a smarmy, self-righteous satisfaction when it got worse.

Three days of softfooting around the Imperial capital city having to put up with smarmy Imperials, overcharging tapcafe owners, and idiot SE2 droids was starting to get to him.

He had a goblet in his only hand and a smarmy smile on his bearded face.

Lauderdale, or her smarmy sharpshooting husband Buddy Lauderdale, I did not know.

Eden in bed with other men, especially smarmy Eurotrash playboys intent on betraying her.

Far better and safer to send the seigneurs, their women and their smarmy lackeys packing.

Kelso answered with his smarmiest smile, putting on a show for the A-chief.

One was hefty, slicked back and smarmy and the other was skinny, chinless and frenetic.