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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Smally \Smal"ly\, adv. In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness. [R.]


adv. (context rare English) In a small way.

Usage examples of "smally".

I expected every moment to hear muffled footsteps on the stairs, footsteps moving slowly and smally under the weight of a heavy burden, but from inside the house there was no sound whatever.

All these noises came up to the two on the tower smally, as though they were listening through the wrong end of a megaphone.

And for the other lectures, as of philosophy, logic, rhetoric, and the quadrivials (although the latter, I mean arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy, and with them all skill in the perspectives, are now smally regarded in either of them), the universities themselves do allow competent stipends to such as read the same, whereby they are sufficiently provided for, touching the maintenance of their estates, and no less encouraged to be diligent in their functions.