n. the virus that causes smallpox in humans; can be used as a bioweapon [syn: variola virus]
Usage examples of "smallpox virus".
They chose the smallpox virus, variola, as the most likely candidate for total extinction, because it lives only in people.
Our entire plan rested on the ability to procure a sample of the smallpox virus.
Ten days ago she had been in hospital in Oxford, where the smallpox virus had been extinct for nearly a hundred years.
Zilinskas and I agree that smallpox is an unattractive biological weapon for a terrorist organization with political goals, particularly if the organization is state-sponsored (and governments are the most likely institutions to be able to get the smallpox virus).
Unless it's exposed to bright sunlight, high heat or extreme cold, the smallpox virus can last indefinitely on something like that.
If a group of terrorists were planning to mine the Strait of Hormuz or reconstruct the smallpox virus, would your conscience also act irrationally?