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n. An inhabitant of a slum.

Usage examples of "slummer".

Other tradesmen clamored at him from their stalls, for the most part automatically after assessing him as a poor prospect, and turned to importune the better-dressed uptunnel slummers and unwary tourists from the starships docked at Phobos.

It would have been easy and ex­citing for him to disguise himself as either an East End man or a gentle­man slummer and voyeuristically prowl the pubs and doss-houses of Whitechapel and its nearby hellholes.

It would have been easy and exciting for him to disguise himself as either an East End man or a gentleman slummer and voyeuristically prowl the pubs and doss-houses of Whitechapel and its nearby hellholes.

If volunteering two evenings a week at a battered women's shelter was slumming, then I think we need more slummers.