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n. 1 (plural of slop English) scrap that will be fed to animals, particularly to hogs. 2 (context in the plural nautical dated English) clothing and bedding issued to sailors 3 (context in the plural nautical dated English) sailors' breeches ending just below the knees or above the ankles, worn mainly in XVIII century 4 (context in the plural dated English) The dirty wastewater of a house.

  1. n. wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk [syn: slop, swill, pigswill, pigwash]

  2. cheap clothing (as issued to sailors)

Usage examples of "slops".

Sister Portress would glare at them, but she was too old to manage the slops herself.

Shoka reined around the slops cart, hoping to clear the questions of the gate-guards.

Goats bleated, dogs barked, and the slops cart was probably in it somewhere.

Kitchen and privy slops were thrown outside the doors of the dark little houses.

He wore the longer knee breeches of 1599, instead of the short slops of thirty years earlier.

Two dogs wrestled down in the slops till an old man pulled the bone from between them and shoved it into his pocket.

She bent her narrow shoulders to the task of tipping the heavy tub, sent the slops and soiled water rolling into the gutter and with a deliberate kick of her plain shoe, the wooden tub careening into traffic.

I went below to do the washing-up, tossing the slops out of the porthole into the sea.

I thought, for no reason, of the slops on the sea, bobbing around, waiting for the next wave to catch them.

Gavin broke from his grovelling position like a sprinter from his block, but the slops greased his heels, and threw him off balance.

A cook jettisoned a bucket of slops over the side and gulls, screaming like banshees, swooped from the air between the yards to fight over the scraps.

They gave him the jobs of cleaning the camps, of handing out the slops to the prisoners, of filling the water buckets.