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slop out

vb. (context idiomatic intransitive English) To throw out the waste from the chamberpot in a prison cell.

Usage examples of "slop out".

She walked as carefully as someone whose soup is threatening to slop out of the bowl.

Then the lieutenant's vampire had submitted, and he had withdrawn his molten appendages, crumpled down into himself and begun to slop out of the door around the shoulders of his companion.

Then the thing gave in, withdrew its melting appendages, crumpled down into itself and began to slop out of the door around the shoulders of the blazing thrall.

The blackness inside the doughnut was impenetrable, it almost seemed to slop out on to the walkway.

Mona Kirk let the wine slop out of her glass as she set it down with a jerky movement.

Tony Timson's been laughing so much he could hardly slop out in Brixton.

All I had ever seen of Russell Sanborn was an eye and finger that pulled down a small flap of blanket so he could look out and see people slop out as we walked past his punishment cell.

They were allowed to slop out the latrine bucket every morning, drawing lots for the privilege.

They shut the door and I hear quite an interesting debate before they open it again to feed me and slop out.

Nothing makes an aspiring Escoffier feel more like an army commissary cook, or Mel from Mel's Diner, than having to slop out eggs over bacon and eggs Benedict for the Sunday brunch crowd.