n. (plural of slip of the tongue English)
Usage examples of "slips of the tongue".
It can be given away in many ways, by the movements of the body, by certain timidities, and deferences, dispositions to kneel, slips of the tongue, and such.
I have no moral objection to prevarication when it serves a good end, butas I had learned from painful experience it is cursed difficult to avoid slips of the tongue.
Tins view, of course, has some notable points of similarity to-Freud's picture of the repression of the id by the superego (or of the unconscious by the conscious), with expressions of the id made most clearly manifest in slips of the tongue, free associations, dreams and the like-that is, during the interstices of superego repression.
His own humble discoveries, or what had seemed like discoveries--the orrery, a few interesting slips of the tongue made by his great-aunt and his grandmother--heart-startling as they had once seemed, had been swamped by the thick flood of torturous pictures and worse notes on them which his namesake had made.
Or the time he had three embarrassing slips of the tongue in a row when he was trying to make a good impression on a congressman and his pompous wife in connection with a patent.
They make it into charms against rheums, sprains, stiff necks, and slips of the tongue.