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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slime \Slime\ (sl[imac]m), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Slimed (sl[imac]md); p. pr. & vb. n. Sliming.] To smear with slime.


n. 1 The action of coating with slime, or an instance of doing this. 2 (context figuratively English) The action of besmirching or disparage another. vb. (present participle of slime English)

Usage examples of "sliming".

When the soldier moved on, the unburned remnants blobbed themselves up and began sliming off in all directions.

The recruits watched with both intensity and anxiety, and as they did, the blunted pike shaft slipped out of Erkum Pol's nervously sliming hands and hit a second squad team leader on the head.

As they did so, they caught sight of him and began sliming up the hill toward him, shouting greetings, great gray blobs of mucous covered with running sores.

There were many of them, sliming out of the Door from Ninfadel, pouring into the Door to Authority, a few wandering out of the line and toward the place he stood, moving very fast.

A moldie like a giant yellow banana slug was sliming from plant to plant, carefully tending them.

The slug oriented itself and began briskly sliming into the shadow under one of the plates.

He was shivering, his body sliming heavily, and a reddish bulge had appeared around the base of each of his horns.

All those soft girlies come knocking on your door borrowing sugar in the dead of night and sliming for you.

But he says he's sick of the novices sliming around and he'll let you come back to work for him.