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n. (plural of slide English)

Usage examples of "slides".

He thought, looking at the tissue slides, that Vine died of a circulatory collapse-maybe brought on by septicemia.

This one sounded willing to bend over backward to accommodate their request to see the tissue slides Phil had been reviewing.

They were in a real sweat over the PR director at Rose Memorial asking for the slides to be returned that Phil had been reviewing when he was killed.

Some assistant DA panicked because no one could find the slides in the evidence storage bins.

I think, the way Tavish was sort of hinting around, that he could be persuaded to tell you-confidentially-what he found on the slides, if you could convince him that it would help you nail the lowlife that murdered Phil.

I say miscellaneous because, although I was able to reconstruct a few of them, most of the slides were broken.

But this is a very important detail, because if the person who murdered Phil was just a vagrant, the slides would be meaningless.

Phil told me that the slides were suggestive of a circulatory collapse and not a sudden cardiac death.

How could he assemble a decent planetarium show with half slides and half digital images?

Nathan should do: he should start a new artform that used slides and slide projectors.

Then he threads himself into a wool robe he wears inside out so as to keep his cigarette pocket hidden, not that this works too well, and circling the warm bodies of friends makes his way to French windows, slides outside into the cold, groans as it hits the fillings in his teeth, climbs a spiral ladder ringing to the roof garden and stands for a bit, watching the river.

Raoul tries to mount his horse and make his escape, but misses the saddle and slides all the way over, falling into a tub of black-market Jell-o, raspberry flavor, with whipped cream on top.

The hatch closes as the recon plane slides away, slow-rolls, circles and heads back.

Footsteps ring down metal stairs outside, and a heavy door slides to below.

Unknown to him, Byron slides out of the stolen vestments onto the ground.