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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slicking \Slick"ing\, n.

  1. The act or process of smoothing.

  2. pl. (Min.) Narrow veins of ore.


n. 1 (context mineralogy English) A narrow vein of ore. 2 (context US dialect historical English) A whipping with a hickory switch. vb. (present participle of slick English)

Usage examples of "slicking".

A few minutes later Ralph Bales emerged, slicking back his thinning hair with damp hands.

Whenever Fent looked aft through the dark hours, there his father sat still and unblinking, the moonlight slicking his eyeballs.

Bishop Luers, singing about slicking her hair and wearing her buckle shoes?

From pargetting, painting, slicking, glazing, and renewing old rivelled faces.

Onofrio, though still outraged by the fee, was beginning to show signs of satisfaction, adjusting the fit of his guayabera, slicking down his already-slicked-down hair.

Stepping into another battered flight suit, she ran a comb through her wet hair, slicking it back in what Jett had called her drowned womp rat look.

Slicking it back and forth over his foreskin, he got hold of her neck and pulled her closer.

I took the soap from him and lathered up my hands, slicking up my fingers for the benefit of his cock and my clit.

Shrugging, murmuring, slicking their hair with brown bony hands, the highwaymen struck a pricelessly idiotic pose in front of the dented Cordoba.

She only hoped he wasn't titivating himself, slicking his hair and freshening his breath in the hope of talking her into bed.