Crossword clues for slickest
a. (en-superlative of: slick)
Usage examples of "slickest".
Moran began for strictly scientific and humanitarian reasons, unwittingly became, in your hands, the slickest hijack operation in maritime history.
But the walls were of the slickest stone, smoothed by water, impossible to climb.
In the windows and on the doors of ten little houses of station-masters and employees of the railroad Grassi put up wire screens, so fine-meshed and so perfect that the slickest and the slightest of the zanzarone could not slip through them.
You can have the biggest, slickest marketing plan available, but poor word of mouth will still kill the best-laid plans of mice and publishers.
Any bloody fool of an amphibious parrot or disgraceful three-winged stoat had as much chance of survival, of success, as the slickest, the niftiest, the most singleminded dreck-eating ratlet or invincibly carapaced predator.
Shelton had got out with that gold, and it had been taken charge of for an accounting, well, he had the slickest way of eating it up you ever saw.