vb. (en-pastsleep off)
Usage examples of "slept off".
I slept off and on all morning while my sheet dried on the radiator.
Last evening's rage had evaporated in the unanticipated bout of love-making in the middle of the night, when Jake had slept off his first exhaustion.
She had slept off the worst of its effects and was left only with a raging headache, occasional double vision, and a scar forming just under the hairline of the right temple that would be with her the rest of her life.
In the morning, papa and mama had scarcely slept off the effects of the sleeping dose they had imbibed from the brandy flask of their dutiful son, and lay abed very late, in fact, almost to luncheon time.
The last litter of six were just weaned, and while their mama slept off the effects of the surgery, he gave each of the cheerfully barking puppies the necessary shots.
Shelley said they slept off and on all day, so I guess they didn't get much sleep last night.
I myself had done it in times of great hunger, and had been glad to steal a share of a bear's kill while the owner slept off his gluttony.
Oliver, weary with his ride, and not as yet having slept off the effects of the feast, could not be roused.
It wasn't romantic of Leksy to fall asleep that way, but their marriage would probably get off to a better start if he slept off the champagne.
Natasha's mother had frequently slept off her alcoholic binges until well past noon, unknowing and perhaps even uncaring of her daughter's private explorations.