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sleeping together

vb. (present participle of sleep together English)

Usage examples of "sleeping together".

Achilles and Patroclus are sleeping together naked, the slave girls long gone, Patroclus’.

In the closer quarters of the tent, he was much more conscious of her and Ranec sleeping together -- not in the same bed every night, since she felt she needed the privacy of her own bed sometimes -- but next to each other.

Mog-ur had put a ban on men and women sleeping together until a new cave was found so the men could concentrate their energies on the rituals and so everyone would feel they were making an effort that would bring them closer to a new home.

We're sleeping together, essentially living together, and you feel I'm obliged to let you know what I'm doing.

If we're sleeping together, we do it, metaphorically speaking, in the open.

Most relationships in crisis probably provide some sort of clue to their eventual success or failure: the couples concerned start sleeping together again, for example, or attacking each other with kitchen knives, and from those symptoms one can make some kind of prognosis.

What if one of the ever-living gods should see us sleeping together, and tell the others?

But as you implied, if it comes to sleeping together, it's precisely because so much has happened that from here on in, nothing will be too soon.