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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sleek \Sleek\ (sl[=e]k), a. [Compar. Sleeker (sl[=e]k"[~e]r); superl. Sleekest.] [OE. slik; akin to Icel. sl[=i]kr, and OE. sliken to glide, slide, G. schleichen, OHG. sl[=i]hhan, D. slik, slijk, mud, slime, and E. slink. Cf. Slick, Slink.]

  1. Having an even, smooth surface; smooth; hence, glossy; as, sleek hair.

    So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make.

  2. Not rough or harsh.

    Those rugged names to our like mouths grow sleek.


a. (en-superlative of: sleek)