The Collaborative International Dictionary
Slavonian \Sla*vo"ni*an\, Slavonic \Sla*von"ic\, a.
Of or pertaining to Slavonia, or its inhabitants.
Of or pertaining to the Slavs, or their language.
Slavonian \Sla*vo"ni*an\, n. A native or inhabitant of Slavonia; ethnologically, a Slav.
Usage examples of "slavonian".
This is, at least, the law of the Kalmucks, whose customary law bears the closest resemblance to the laws of the Teutons, the old Slavonians, etc.
With the exception of a few tribes which had been driven during the great migrations into unproductive deserts or highlands, and were thus compelled periodically to prey upon their better-favoured neighbours--apart from these, the great bulk of the Teutons, the Saxons, the Celts, the Slavonians, and so on, very soon after they had settled in their newly-conquered abodes, reverted to the spade or to their herds.