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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slaveholding \Slave"hold`ing\, a. Holding persons in slavery.


a. Having possession/ownership of one or more slaves. n. An owning of one or more slave.

  1. adj. where slavery was legal; "the slaveholding South"

  2. n. the practice of owning slaves [syn: slavery]

Usage examples of "slaveholding".

That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the propriety of providing by law for establishing an armed police force at all necessary points along the line separating the slaveholding States from the non-slaveholding States, for the purpose of maintaining the general peace between those States, of preventing the invasion of one State by citizens of another, and also for the efficient execution of the fugitive-slave laws.

The first demonstration against State sovereignty was to be made there, and in her fate were the other slaveholding States of the border to have warning of what they were to expect.

That the intermeddling of any State or States, or their citizens, to abolish slavery in the District, or any of the Territories, on the ground, or under the pretext, that it is immoral or sinful, or the passage of any act or measure of Congress with that view, would be a direct and dangerous attack on the institutions of all the slaveholding States.

Here, then, was fully and broadly asserted the danger resulting from the interference in the question of slavery in the District of Columbia, as trenching upon the rights of the slaveholding States.

A representative from one of the slaveholding States raises his voice for the first time in disregard of this admitted right.

United States must and will, sooner or later, become entirely a slaveholding nation or entirely a free-labor nation.

United States will not consent to bring into the Union a new, vastly extensive and Slaveholding country, large enough for a half a dozen or a dozen States.

Ferry, Virginia, by John Brown and his handful of Northern Abolitionist followers, and his subsequent execution in Virginia, calculated to allay the rapidly intensifying feeling between the Freedom-loving North and the Slaveholding South.

House of Representatives, I was surprised one morning, after the assembling of the House, to observe that all the members from the Slaveholding States were absent.

I said before, there ought not have been, and there did not necessarily result from our form of Government, any irrepressible conflict between the Slaveholding and the non-Slaveholding States.

Then, sir, according to law, the Slaveholding States have got equality in the Territories.

That neither the Congress of the United States nor the people or governments of the non-Slaveholding States have the Constitutional right to legislate upon or interfere with Slavery in any of the Slaveholding States in the Union.

Africans had been cited for centuries to justify slavery, and slaveholding Americans now parroted that excuse.

Once more slaves would lash out in a violent frenzy that threw the slaveholding territory of America into utter panic.

A slight, ascetic, owl-faced man, Garrison had never been to Georgia and had broken no laws there, but he was considered very dangerous throughout the slaveholding South.