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slave state

n. any of the southern states in which slavery was legal prior to the Civil War [ant: free state]

Usage examples of "slave state".

In 1819, with Congress in debate over whether to admit Missouri into the union as a slave state, Adams had expressed the hope to Jefferson that the issue might &ldquo.

Not only would Kansas become a slave State without such help, it was said, but the institution of slavery would spread into all the Territories and become invincible.

The nearer are the lines of a slave state and the borders of a free one, the greater the peril.

Located on the Ohio River across from the slave state of Kentucky, the city was filled with former slaves and slaveholders.

If Sugasto and his cronies turned their domain into nothing more than a slave state, they wouldn't really be within the Rules but rather outside of them.

He or she longs for perfection even in the slave state, and perfection for a naked pleasure slave must be yielding to the most extreme punishments.