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n. (obsolete spelling of slaughter English) vb. (obsolete spelling of slaughter English)

Usage examples of "slaughtre".

Wherewith the Souldan all with furie fraught,Swearing, and banning most blasphemously,Commaunded straight his armour to be brought,And mounting straight vpon a charret hye,With yron wheeles and hookes arm'd dreadfully,And drawne of cruell steedes, which he had fedWith flesh of men, whom through fell tyrannyHe slaughtred had, and ere they were halfe ded,Their bodies to his beasts for prouender did spred.

There he him found enuironed aboutWith slaughtred bodies, which his hand had slaine,And laying yet a fresh with courage stoutVpon the rest, that did aliue remaine.