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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slaughterman \Slaugh"ter*man\, n.; pl. Slaughtermen. One employed in slaughtering.


n. A man employed to slaughter animals work in a slaughterhouse.

Usage examples of "slaughterman".

The men about the rock pit, Partisans who followed the Slaughterman, were calling for a prisoner.

The Slaughterman, his huge beard flecked with the blood of the bull, picked up the other end of the chain.

Napoleon, booty taken by the Slaughterman in one of his attacks on the French.

He had died quickly, hardly a flutter on his face as the Slaughterman, with a strong hand, had sliced his throat.

Or why, for that matter, would the Slaughterman be guarding the convent where she was held?

Wellington had sent messengers to other Partisan leaders, requesting their co-operation, and the Slaughterman presumed that his turn had come.

The Slaughterman pushed towards the door, Sharpe beside him, and the room was full of men shouting for lanterns, and then Sharpe ducked under the lintel and saw a light coming from a broken down shed that was being used as a stable.

He had ridden across half of Spain for this woman, beaten down the doors of a convent, and now risked disembowelling at the hands of the Slaughterman, all to be told not to be a bore.

He knew he should not say it, but in ten minutes he would be dead, butchered by the Slaughterman or his men.

He pulled back, knowing he did not have the same brute strength as his enemy, but when he saw the Slaughterman smile and gather his strength for a massive pull, Sharpe jumped forward to throw the man off balance.

The Slaughterman was ready, he had expected it, invited it, and he closed the ten foot gap with lightning speed and his knife slashed up towards Sharpe, bright in the dusk light.

The Rifleman swerved, not bothering to reply, backed away, and his left hand caught the chain for greater leverage and he pulled on it with all his power and the Slaughterman did not move.

He could not resist it and he saw the Slaughterman smile with the ease of the task.

Then the jerking began, the vicious, hard jerks that pulled him off balance and he tripped, fell, and the chain was pulling his arm from his socket and when the pressure stopped he rolled to one side, knowing the knife was slicing down, only to hear the Slaughterman laughing.

The Slaughterman had simply made a fool of him to demonstrate his strength.