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n. (plural of slattern English)

Usage examples of "slatterns".

But after only a couple of weeks, she'd come up with every cockamamie reason you could imagine why she couldn't keep it up—the midwives were all stupid slatterns, know-it-alls, impossibly superstitious, religious fanatics, there was too much of a language barrier, they all were filthy and the stench of a roomful of them gagged her.

But after only a couple of weeks, she'd come up with every cockamamie reason you could imagine why she couldn't keep it upthe midwives were all stupid slatterns, know-it-alls, impossibly superstitious, religious fanatics, there was too much of a language barrier, they all were filthy and the stench of a roomful of them gagged her, and on and on ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Now they dirtied up and lost their paint, became slatterns, scarecrow frameworks dressed in canvas which wind had tattered and sun had turned a dead-rat color that sun gives canvas.

There, in the back room of a low dive, were Dan the Dude, the emissary who had been loitering about the laboratory, a gunman, Dago Mike, a couple of women, slatterns, one known as Kitty the Hawk, and a boy of eight or ten, whom they called Billy.

Though to his haut-dazzled senses, all the ghem-women in the room looked as coarse and dull as backcountry slatterns just now.

How would you like to spend your life on that bleak shore, surrounded by slatterns and sheep pellets?